December 10, 2006

Titanic 2?

Living in China is great! Not always, and it takes some getting used to, but the perks are great. For one thing, there's the limitless abundance of pirated dvds. Movies tend to be out on dvd here before they're even out in most other Asian theatres. Not only that, but you can find almost any type of dvds here; tv series from all over the world and all types of old and rare movies you can't find anymore; somehow they accumulated and ended up here in China. Cheesy old movies, 1960's English dubbed Kung Fu fighting movies, low-budget films like “Titanic 2.” Hahaha…. Titanic 2! I want to see that movie! My friend told me about it and I thought she was joking. But she was serious, I was completely skeptic about it and kept saying how was it possible? What kind of story can they possibly come up with?! Jack's dead last I remember! Or are they replacing him, or are they just changing the whole story? She said no, it was a continuation, something about Jack coming back from the dead in present time! I was “Wah!” She continues to say that there's a trailer online if I wanted to see (I regret I didn't), and that apparently Jack's body was preserved by the icebergs that we thought killed him in the first place. So it's like “Demolition Man” and “Forever Young” put together. So Jack comes back from the dead---from the icebergs I mean, all young and handsome to see old, wrinkly Rose. I'm really curious what story they came up with! And who are the stars playing them?! Then again, is it really possible, this movie is out there somewhere? There's a trailer, but maybe there's ONLY a trailer available and nothing else? Should go search for it sometime, when I'm not so lazy.

Chinese Pirates VS. Free Online Downloads

Even better than cheap pirated dvds, is to be able to download practically anything for free over the internet. From movies to games, anything! The drawback is the chances of your computer getting a virus. Which most of my Chinese friends have encountered. I've heard them curse and buy new hard-drives (I'm not an exception) for their computers, but in the end, they’re back downloading “Prison Break.” I sound like an advertiser once again, but there comes a time when I must remind myself the beauty of being in this country. Because otherwise it's easy to focus on the vendors who try to cheat you, or just tire you out when all you really want is a pair of warm, cheap socks. Some websites are not easy to go into; I've heard stories where people have gotten calls from unknown callers telling them to stop trying to get into certain sites, scary. Also the fact that holidays you used to spend, such as Christmas, no longer exists and your family are all far away, and even friends, the foreign ones, are either not going to be here for long or have already gone away. That is why I love dvds!!!

More Appraisal of Food

What else is great about living in Beijing, and this time not necessarily the whole of China, is the food! I mentioned that before too but it’s true. It’s not just the variety of Chinese food available, but also the variety of food from all over the world. I can’t eat too much, but I sure do love to eat good food. Also the foreigners I’ve met in Beijing, you must understand and try to imagine that although Beijing is the capital of the country, it isn’t quite the most comfortable, cleanest, or the most modern place in China, which is the reason a lot of people choose to go somewhere more urban chic, like Shanghai. The people who do choose to live here, whether it’s to open business or to learn the Chinese language, I find, tend to be more into culture (obviously) and very adventurous; there are a lot more travelers than tourists. Love the foreigners who dare come to this place, they are great, we are great!!! Oh yeah~


Bruce Hall said...

You have an interesting quite personal blog about experiencing China.

Linyou said...

Hey u gotta come Singapore and look at out variety of food. Ha ok lah i actually miss the lamp skewers over in china.

sa~sa said...


Hi bruce, tnx for finding my blog interesting. The part about it being quite personal wasn't part of the original plan; was trying not to be too personal, but found it easier to just write it this way. Will try to be more mysterious hehe...

hey linyou, would really like to go to Singapore one day and try the food there, was just talking with XGT about going there to visit someday in the future. When we can all afford it :) In the meantime, hope to see u guys back here again before the Olympics!